You know with KOPEK coming from Dublin Ireland everyone might think they are the next U2, just like here in New Jersey everyone is looking for the next Springsteen or Bon Jovi, but artists shy away from that pigeon hole because they want to overcome that mainstay opinion.
KOPEK is a vibrant powerful trio that adds a little spice to your day. Track to track they bring new elements going from bands like OASIS, JANES ADDICTION, THE ROLLING STONES and even BUCKCHERRY, now that’s diversity. The songs are catchy, well-written and can cause conflict throughout the disc. People are saying this is the album of the year but I’m not going that far. It’s good, very good and I see success with their debut and they should reach stardom and that wait will be short. I just feel it will take more than their debut “White Collar Lies” to do it with this CD.
“Cocaine Chest Pains” starts things off ala BUCKCHERRY-style mixed with a bit of a Lenny Kravtiz sound. The song has powerful lyrics and with lead vocalist Daniel Jordan behind the mic shimmering greatness. I will predict right now Jordan will be a force in the music business.
Next up is an outstanding track that explodes; “White Collar Lies” is just an amazing song with full truths so listen to the lyrics of the false lies by your country’s machine of power. Corruption, lies and money…many bands don’t want to speak the truth because they want to flow with the crowd but KOPEK step out of that shit pile and salute the real people. This could be the track of the year….
“Love Is Dead” is a mind-boggling track that features the midsection of drummer Shane Cooney and bassist Brad Kinsella. The song has a great beat and will be a trademark song for KOPEK. Jordan is amazing on vocals and has that glowing aura. Check out how chameleon-like he is on the ballad “Floridian” compared to other tracks. Another phenomenal track!
Another favorite is “The Easy Way” which has an alternative vibe but adds a rush of excitement. What do you get when you add a little bit of funk, a little bit of rock and a little bit BUCKCHERRY? Well check out “Bring It On” and I can guarantee the females bumping to this one!
These guys are not your typical one dimensional band but they bring the full package; vocally, lyrically and musically. Diversity is a good thing and you will get that on “White Collar Lies”. Make sure to check these boys out and pick up their debut disc. Also check their video for “Love Is Dead” which you should be able to catch on Youtube or the like.