With a genre that is over saturated with repetitive music SEETHER’s new release stands tall with amazing melodies, great hooks and smooth lyrics. “Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray” really puts SEETHER in that upper class that breaks the mold of traditional rock.
“Fur Cue” starts the disc off and is a deeper track that will have the hardcore SEETHER fans rejoicing. It’s heavy at points but vocalist Shaun Morgan has total control at mastering the vibrant melodic chorus.
This release has all tasty reminiscent sounds of VELVET REVOLVER, HINDER and many other top drawing acts. “Fur Cue” gives you a vibe of TOOL and DISTRUBED but SEETHER has that knack for writing amazing choruses.
“Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray” brings all the elements and could go down as a classic release. Check out “Here and Now” a sultry phenomenal pop ballad that’s sure to be a hit. Love this track and it brings back memories of past tunes that would get top rotation on the radio dial.
Diversity you can call it as SEETHER hits up a southern rock tune with “Country Song”. This is a great tune that shows SEETHER can do it all and be successful. I can’t say enough about Mr. Morgan and how he brings excitement to these lyrics with the prefect breaks, elevation, and I can feel he sings from the heart. Not only that, those kick-ass harmonies add depth to each song and it brings your spirits up.
FOO FIGHTERS can only be jealous of the song “Tonight” because it belongs to SEETHER. Another hit song that fits the mold of the FOO FIGHTERS.
“Pass Slowly” brings sounds of another top drawing card R.E.M. it slows things down with some melodic guitar work by Troy McLawhorn with Shaun Morgan reaching deep down for his vocals on this one.
Ending the disc is another memorable track called “Forsaken” and it’s a rock power ballad that leaves you aching for more SEETHER. This really is the first time I listened to a full release by SEETHER and I’m kinda glad I started with “Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray” as it blows me away. SEETHER as a unit is amazing. Each musician shines and Shaun Morgan is one I can’t say enough about; a phenomenal performance on vocals. You have to add this one to your modern rock collection.