Please GOD I apologize for what our readers are about to receive; a review of the revolting band WILLOW WISP with their new CD “Anti Human Manifesto”. I can only imagine what a lobotomy has done to these boys from California with sun, surf and trying conjure up the demon from hell would only be a mild word to WILLOW WISP.
What can I say but these guys have been around a long time and just will not leave. I’m am not saying they can’t play or write lyrics but being in a cage locked up with the angel of death, Josef Mengele is like having a party to them. Raw disgusting and repulsive lyrics that make your skin crawl and a stage show with self mutilation sounds tasty to me.
The opening track “Prisoners of Technology” has some great music but lyrically I couldn’t understand a damn word. Even reading along with the text I’m just screwed.
Track two “The Dead Man's Ballad” is one I kind of liked. The music was softer and technical and vocalist M6D6M6A actually can sing when he choses. I wonder how he would sound singing BON JOVI’s “Living on a Prayer”???
See some of these tracks regardless of the vocals are amazing. Like “I Watched You Drown”; the music is phenomenal but the Frank Gorshin sore throat vocals kill me. I know tons of fans love this and they should but when you have a song like “I Watched You Drown” which adds a dimension of keyboards that really pick up the excitement you can’t deny these guys do have a place in music. Some of these tracks would make excellent soundtrack music.
Check out the instrumental “What Was-Never Was, What Will Be Won't” and you say WILLOW WISP is talentless dirt bags from hell-BULL-SHIT this is a killer track. Thank God there were no vocals!
Check out “Supreme Narcissist” as WILLOW WISP throw you a curve with deep dark vocals in the mindset of Peter Steele (R.I.P.), I actually like this one.
What can I say I tried my best on this one, I feel the music is above the norm, vocally it’s not my cup of blood but I know fans of Experimental Black Metal will cling to this like rotting flesh. Just to mention before I go, the last track “Let Me Eat Your Dead” is addicting and trance-like. Good song! Now let’s put on some BACKSTREET BOYS. Sorry T!!!